Architecture Compliance

Architecture Compliance


CMS3 provides an architecture compliance solution, powered by Lattix Architect., which can be automated and integrated into your SDLC to provide Code-to-Design compliance testing as part of your development process.  Lattix Architect is a powerful DSM based analysis solution which can be used to gain detailed insight into how well your system’s source code matches the system’s architectural design as well as identifying architectural weaknesses, complexity and potential problem areas.

Ensure that the implementation of your system complies with the design. Ensure that it stays that way with automated detection and reporting of any code change which violates the system architecture.


Architecture compliance assesses how well the implementation (code) of a system follows, or adheres to, the system design and architecture.  Using the Code-to-Design Compliance testing solution allows you to

Assess how well the current implementation adheres to the design and architecture

  • See how much of the code is compliant vs. non-compliant
  • See how many architecture violations are present
  • See the details of each architecture violation


Integrate Code-to-Design Compliance testing into your SDLC

  • Automated analysis as part of your overall quality and security analysis process
  • See alerts whenever a code change that is non-compliant has been submitted
  • Manage new/current violations
  • Build-over-build trends show degradation/improvement


For more information send us a request or contact us at